📕 subnode [[@agora@botsin.space/agora protocol]] in 📚 node [[agora-protocol]]
  • #push [[agora protocol]]
    • (Push can be used for writing child blocks to a remote context, as if broadcasting to a [[pubsub]] topic.)
    • a [[protocol]].
      • Based on lightweight conventions conducive to [[knowledge federation]] of supported [[data formats]] as described below.
      • [[plain text]] as layer 0 (bootstrapping).
        • What the literate world already runs on: just plain old human language in full [[unicode]].
        • Note that indented bulleted lists are efficient while encoding trees, [[heterarchies]].
      • [[wikilinks]], #hashtags and other link conventions and annotation as part of layer 1.
      • Layer 2 being defined, the same as refinements to other layers, as [[extensions]].
        • If you are a member of an Agora, you can propose extensions to Agora Protocol by contributing to [[Agora RFCs]].
        • This should be sufficient to bootstrap a [[governance layer]] defined by each [[Agora]].
        • #pull [[agora rfcs]]
        • (Pull instructs an Agora to incorporate a remote context into the current context, e.g. [[transclude]] or provision below.)
📖 stoas
⥱ context